Our Accomplishments!
Our Consultants are developing the TAG-Supply Application on the Web that provides a standard economic methodology ,uniform cost estimating premises, and financial assumptions for evaluating electric utility technologies using VC++, ATL , COM, IIS ASP, JavaScript and SQL Server. Implementation of a Web based solution for Customer Value Assessment (CVA), an initiative that provides the Top Funders with valuable insight and Customer Value Reports enabling them to rethink company's value in light of strategic partnering. Administration, monitoring and software architecture of enterprise websites with thousands of users both internal and external We enhanced the Power Quality Business Analyzer website of EPRI, dedicated to helping customers resolve productivity problems related to power quality issues. This is an umbrella site encompassing six other sites. They are Industrial Voltage Sag Investigator, Industrial Design Guide, Power Conditioning Database, Power Quality Costs Database, Power Quality Case Study Database and High Tech Commercial Complex Power Quality Solver. Design of an e-collaboration website to facilitate the exchange and discussion of new techniques, ideas and methodologies. This is a BBS application and also includes chat facility. Features include project tracking, threads and categorization. Design and creation the Risk-Evaluator for determining the probabilty of getting audited by the IRS based on a complex set of rules and the user profile. Also dvelopment of functionality so that this application can be called from various other partner-sites and it will accept and process parameters in the background. Configuration of Terminal Services 2000 and development of an authentication scheme on the TAG server so that the customers are able to access the TAG-supply client/server application over the web. Designed an intranet application for scheduling conferences and room reservations for the company's locations worldwide and displayed them on the calendar interface. |
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